National Composites Centre & Dstl

Advanced Design of Composites Structures for future Combat Aircraft (ADCoSCA)

The team at Morson Projects have been collaborating on the latest technologies for the next generation of lightweight, strong and resilient combat aircraft composite structures.

Network Rail

CTRL Tunnel Ventilation Control

Morson Projects’ Ematics division were appointed by Network Rail to provide specialist software engineering and systems assurance for implementation of the Ventilation Control System for the three CTRL tunnels.

Medway County Council

Tunnel Control, Data Communications & Electrical Subsystem Replacement

The 725 metre long Medway Tunnel is an immersed tube dual two‐lane tunnel with cut and cover approaches that was opened in 1996. As the proprietary control system had reached and of life and was no longer supported, a new SCADA control system was required to reduce risk of component failure.

Transport For London

Hanger Lane Tunnel Lighting

Morson Projects’ Ematics division were appointed by Transport for London to support them with lighting upgrades to the Hanger Lane Tunnel.

Transport For London

Tunnels Maintenance & Capital Works

Morson Projects were appointed by Transport for London to support them with Tunnels Maintenance & Capital Works across four geographical areas.


Energy from Waste (Derby)

Morson Projects were appointed by Energos to support them with the design of a new Energy from Waste facility in Derby.


Unified SCADA System

Morson Projects’ specialist controls system division Ematics was appointed by Merseytravel to provide a unified SCADA System for two tunnels.